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 2024 Grand Marshal
Phil and Carol Gray





The Lehi Round-Up Rodeo Committee is pleased to announce Phil and Carol Gray will be the grand marshals of this year’s Lehi Round-Up Week Grand Parade.


The honor comes thanks to their many years of service on the Rodeo Committee, with Phil serving 45 years and as the director over ticket sales during a most historic event for the rodeo—the move to online sales.


“He pioneered the ticket sales going online,” said Jared Peterson, a CIA director. “It was hard for some to accept, but he worked through the kinks and now the rodeo is mostly sold out before the month of May.”


Phil and Carol remember the days when they sold tiny tickets that came from a large roll, and there was no worry about how many they sold or seat assignments. But in the early 2000s, a change was forced when the committee sold more tickets than seats.


This was no small task to switch to assigned seating. The Rodeo Committee had to paint more than 6,000 seat numbers on the bleachers before the change could be made. “The committee puts in so many hours no one knows about,” said Carol.


Finally, the move to online sales, which Phil instituted, was historic as it moved ticket sales into the 21st century, but at the cost of the easy access at local stores. “It was a big move for us,” said Phil.


For years the couple managed long lines of people weaving through their home waiting to pick up tickets. “The whole family helped,” said Carol. “It’s been a family affair since forever.”

“They did a lot with ticket sales,” said Mike Southwick, president of the CIA. “They’ve given so much to the rodeo over the years.”


The parents of five children, the Grays welcomed nearly 200 foster and shelter children into their home over the years—some for as little as one day and others for up to five years. “It was just something I always wanted to do,” said Carol, “and there is such a need.”


Phil served as a volunteer EMT for Lehi for 10 years and in several bishoprics for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was a member of the stake presidency, in a bishopric at UVU and in several branch presidencies at the Missionary Training Center in Provo. Phil has always been an avid scouter and received the District Award of Merit, the Second Miler Award and the prestigious Silver Beaver Award.


Carol served in Cub Scouts as Wolf, Bear and Webelo’s leader. She worked in the District Cub Scouting program and had a Girl Scout troop for several years. Carol has worked in all the auxiliaries of the LDS Church and has served in a stake Primary presidency.


Phil and Carol were both born in Provo. In 1957, Carol moved to Lehi with her family and onto the five acres on which the Gray’s now live. Phil joined the National Guard in an engineering battalion after high school and stayed in for eight years. During that time, he helped build the road from Provo Canyon to Hobble Creek Canyon, the Butterfield Canyon road and the road from Alpine to Draper.


Phil graduated from Weber State College in biology and worked in medical biology research. He finished his career at Huntsman Cancer Center in cancer research. After raising their children, Carol worked as a secretary at American Fork High School, a registrar for the school district and finally a real estate agent. The couple now serves in the LDS Saratoga Springs Temple. They have five children and 16 grandchildren.


It’s an honor to have Phil and Carol serve as the grand marshals for this year’s Lehi Round-Up Week celebrations.


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